Monday, 22 July 2013

Cherry Mousse


So I got an amazing slowcooker from my parents for my birthday. I've been wanting one for a while and was so excited to try it. So last Tuesday I made some lamb shanks in red wine sauce. It turned out amazing. Here's a pic:

I made it for my boyfriend and I and wanted a nice dessert to go with it, but also something easy. So I looked what I had in the freezer and thought about what I could make. I also wanted to use the new stemless wine glasses I got for my birthday from my brother. I had frozen cherries and thought a mousse could be good. I checked out a few recipes and decided to adapt one and make up my own recipe. It took a few minutes to make and a few hours to set. It was pretty damn nice and I will certainly be making it again. So here's a recipe I created, sounds nice to say it!


200g of Frozen Cherries
3 tablespoons of Icing Sugar
300ml Thickened Cream
1 teaspoon of Gelatin
2 tablespoons of Boiling Water
Additional Cherries to decorate


1 - Combine cherries with 1 tablespoon of icing sugar, beat until pureed. I used a stick blender, you can use a food processor.

2 - In a small heat proof bowl, pour in the boiling water and then place the gelatin on top. Stir until completely dissolved.

3 - Whip the cream and remaining icing together until almost firm. Then add in the melted gelatin and keep beating until medium peaks form.

4 - Fold in the cherry puree lightly until completely combined.

5 - Carefully place mousse in a wine glass, or cocktail glass.

6 - Place mousse into fridge until ready to serve. Then top with more cherries.

7 - Enjoy.

Finally, I tweeted out a picture of this and Dan Lepard from The Great Australian Bake Off retweeted it. It made my night!

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